10th House: CSOs Hail Abass, Bichi On Giant Strides


10th House: CSOs Hail Abass, Bichi On Giant Strides


The Africa Centre for Human Rights and Justice, Centre for Social Justice, Equity and Transparency (CESJET) and Democracy Watch Foundation, have applauded Speaker Tajudeen Abbas and Rt. Hon. Kabiru Bichi for standing out with their performance.

As the 10th National Assembly marks its first anniversary, the groups said Abbas and Bichi have made significant strides in legislation, oversight, and representation, aligning with the principles of democracy and the welfare of Nigerians.

Addressing a press conference on Thursday, Comrade Okwa Dan, speaking on behalf of the groups, hailed Abbas for the passage of key bills, successful oversight of executive agencies, and effective representation of constituents’ interests, among other notable achievements.

Dan also acknowledged Bichi’s innovative approach to budgetary process as the chairman Appropriations Committee, adding this he has reshaped public engagement by emphasizing the inclusive nature of the legislative process.

“In setting the course for progress, Tajudeen Abass, being a visionary and transformative leader, has precipitated a paradigm shift in the legislative agenda of the parliament, reinvigorating its purpose and direction. His resolute commitment to addressing the most pressing and pervasive societal issues has shaped a legislative agenda that is supremely responsive to the needs, aspirations, and expectations of the citizenry.

“In the domain of oversight functions, Tajudeen Abass has demonstrated unwavering dedication to the principles of accountability and responsibility, steadfastly championing the cause of transparency and efficiency in governmental operations.

“Through his unrelenting commitment to robust oversight, he has ensured that public agencies operate with the highest level of transparency, accountability, and prudence in the utilization of public resources, thereby bolstering public trust in the government and reinforcing the sacred principles of good governance.

“The parliament has experienced a transformative resurgence in the art of legislative craftsmanship, as evidenced by the meticulous drafting of bills and motions. His unwavering insistence on the validity and relevance of legislative proposals has precipitated a paradigm shift in the quality of parliamentary discourse, culminating in enriching debates and deliberations that yield impactful and far-reaching legislation, the groups stated.

In the realm of fiscal matters, the CSOs said Abass has set a new standard for transparency in handling appropriation bills, adding that “His unwavering commitment to fiscal responsibility has resulted in a meticulous and transparent process for budgetary allocation, ensuring that public funds are allocated judiciously and in alignment with the nation’s developmental priorities”.

They noted the commendable efforts of Abubakar Bichi’s Appropriation Committee, which according to them, has notably reshaped public engagement, while emphasizing the inclusive nature of the legislative process.

“Bichi’s relentless commitment to good governance within and outside the House has set him apart among his counterparts. He is undoubtedly a good right-hand man to work with. This successful step taken by the Bichi’s Appropriation Committee has changed the false narrative perception held by most Nigerians towards the House of Rep.

“It has rekindled the fire of confidence in them once again, giving them the real understanding of what “Government of Inclusivity” truly means.” END.