“75% of Nigerian migrants planned to use smugglers or travel facilitators for  overland journeys ” – UNODC


Requests for bribes and security risks along routes taken by migrants from Nigeria have led to a high

reliance on smugglers and travel facilitators (who organize regular travel), new research from the United

Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) reveals.

The research, from the UNODC Observatory on Smuggling of Migrants, notes that some Nigerians

surveyed (30 per cent) believed there was no alternative to being smuggled in order to achieve their

migration goals. As one man from Edo State in southern Nigeria described: “These days in Europe and in

other Western countries, Nigerians are discriminated against…It is so difficult to get a visa to travel out

of Nigeria, and that is why many people opt for the irregular route by travelling through the desert.”

Many Nigerians believe that using a smuggler will be cheaper, easier, or safer than undertaking the

journey alone, due to the presence of officials or non-state actors demanding bribes and protection

money along the route.

Even so, surveys indicate that Nigerians pay a high price to the smugglers – an average of around

US$610 for smuggling by land within West and North Africa. Fees cover access to the network of

smuggling contacts, transportation and sometimes also bribes and accommodation, but usually exclude

food and drink.

The lack of food and water can be deadly along some treacherous routes in the desert. In 2021, one

returned Nigerian receiving support at a centre in Edo State told a key informant “how they slept and

before the next morning almost half of them were buried alive in sand dunes in the desert.”

Smugglers and other actors perpetrate abuses and crimes against smuggled Nigerian migrants at an

alarming rate. Half of smuggled Nigerians surveyed in 2021 reported physical violence, while 25 per cent

cited being detained and 20 per cent described sexual violence. Adults reported significant threats to

children along these routes as well, including the risk of being trafficked, exploited, kidnapped, or

subjected to physical and sexual violence and robbery.

Data and information on the routes, financial aspects, drivers, and impacts of migrant smuggling can

equip states to better respond to prevent and combat migrant smuggling and protect the rights of

smuggled people. The UNODC Observatory on Smuggling of Migrants is designed to provide such up-to-

date evidence.

The Observatory regularly updates its analysis to provide real-time information and to allow for

longitudinal assessment, and is currently expanding its research into Southeast Asia. UNODC hopes that

this research will be used to prevent and combat migrant smuggling, while protecting the rights of people who are smuggled.