Don’t Join Bad Gang, Achuba Tells Ibaji Youth   ….urges them to develop their carriers


The former Deputy Governor of Kogi State, Elder Simon Achuba, has warned Ibaji youth against joining bad gang, but do something meaningful to better their lives.

He also called on them to develop any carrier they are into and shun any act capable of tarnishing the image and good name of the community.

The former Deputy Governor who addressed the youth who came to pay him a courtesy visit in Lokoja at the weekend said the youth have the opportunity to know the party and politicians that have the love of Ibaji people at heart and answer them through their votes in the coming election.

He enjoined them not to allow themselves to be used as thugs by desperate politicians, but have the courage to vote their conscience.

Achuba said the peoples Democratic Party (PDP) when in power, performed creditably, urging the youth to ensure that the party come to power in the next election.

He called on Ibajians, both at home and abroad, to look beyond  inducing items from politicians and vote the right and credible hands to power in the next election.

The former Deputy Governor expressed worry over the neglect of the good people of Ibaji in areas of infrastructure, human development and other dividend of democracy, urging the youth to make the right choice in the forthcoming election.

Speaking, the leader of the youth, Sunday Egwuaba thanked the former Deputy Governor for what he described as his leadership qualities and appealed to him not to relent in his effort to champion any course that would bring about development to Ibaji community in particular and Kogi state as a whole.

 He assured the former Deputy Governor of the youth”s readiness to cue behind the man he called the Peoples General in his determination to rescue the people.

On his part, another youth leader, Ojata Egwuda commended the former Deputy Governor for standing tall in politics, despite efforts by the enemies of his people to stop him from serving them, praying God to continue to lead, guide and protect him in his endeavours.

Meanwhile, the former Deputy Governor, Elder Simon Achuba, the former Speaker of Kogi State House of Assembly, Hon. imam and over three thousand supporters have decamped to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) at the party’s rally in Kogi State during the weekend.

Speaking unbehalf of the decampees, Elder Achuba urged Nigerians to vote PDP into power in the forthcoming election, stating that the party is the only party that has solutions to Nigeria’s problem at present.

He said their decision to return to the party was because the ruling party (APC) has failed to meet the expectations of Nigerians, after their promises in 2015 and 2019 respectively.

The former Deputy Governor who was rated as the biggest masquerade amongst the decampees, promised to work with top party members and other members to ensure the victory of the party at the federal, state and local levels.