Anambra community worried over collapsed bridge, erosion menace


The people of Nawfia community, Njikoka Local Government Area, Anambra State, Tuesday, cried out to both the State and Federal Governments to come to their rescue over their Ezu lake bridge that collapsed about 12 years ago and erosion menace that is threatening to send them packing.

Reacting through their traditional ruler, HRH, Igwe Ambassador Daniel Obelle, the people lamented that the collapsed Ezu bridge and erosion threat have caused economic setback to them

According to the monarch, the lake is a living thing that needs to be cleansed, dredged and have it as natural fish pond, and other aquacultures and a tourist attraction that can generate revenue for the State.

“The Ezu lake neglect and abandonment for about 12 years now is as a result of the collapsed Ezu bridge that was constructed with woods in those days of the Colonia masters. The Old colonial road has also damaged sequel to the collapsed bridge.

“We urge the State Government to reconstruct the bridge, rehabilitate the Ezu road with asphalt and tar  it so that the people will easily get to the river and do their business smoothly without hindrance,” he stated.

On erosion he called for immediate attention adding that some villages are being threatened to the extent that two of the erosion sites have worsened to the extent that some buildings within them may cave in, in no distant time.

In the words of the former Interim President General of the community, Chief  George Okonkwo, “Erosion has been a very serious problem in the community”.

Commending the monarch for his selfless service to the community, Chief Okonkwo revealed that worst hit is Mgboko erosion site where the erosion started in the 1980s and has been there till date.

“I used to fetch water and firewood as a young school certificate leaver at Mgboko erosion site. Then a construction company, RONASCO, owned by R.O. Nkwocha, used to do some palliative work there until it collapsed. It is still on till today.

“Houses are now under serious  threat, each year it rains, it expands. The erosion menace is threatening also in Mmimi, Umunkwa, Umuezuru, and Eziakpaka. The government should intervene now as the threat has gone beyond the financial capacity of the community.

“It is expected that probably part of the ecological fund from the Feral Government should be used here to tackle the erosion menace. When the State Government team came to Nawfia, they visited Umunkwa and Mmimi villages where the erosion threat is still in the embryo stage, like gutter, from where they will expand to deep gulley erosion if unchecked and then requires billions of naira to tackle.

He stressed the need for the State Government to inspect those villages that have not been inspected to know their extent of destruction and assistance.