Nechi: Optiva Focused on Investment Immigration, Wealth Creation


Motivated by his long-nurtured ambition to strive for something worth achieving, the Chairman of Optiva Capital Partners, a leading Investment Immigration Wealth Management Company, Franklin Nechi, is committed to help Nigerians grow and optimise their wealth,

Optiva, which is derived from the Latin word, optivus, means to be chosen. It is usually based on trust by an interested person. Motivated by his passionate desire to help people protect, grow, enhance, and optimise their wealth, Franklin Nechi, the audacious investment immigration wealth manager of note is inspired by the love he has for making peoples’ wealth open more doors for them, their families, and even generations to come, such that today Optiva Capital Partners is the choice investment immigration firm in the country.

For Franklin, Chairman and Founder of Optiva Capital Partners, the motivation to grow clients’ wealth stems from his long-nurtured ambition to strive for something worth achieving.

According to James Champy and Nitin Nohria, in their best-selling business classic, “The Arc of Ambition”, “everyone has a dream, but very few have the courage and persistence to fulfil it and leave a legacy of accomplishment.”

Franklin Nechi nurtured his own dream and brought it to fruition in 2008 and has not looked back since then. Again, according to the authors of “The Arc of Ambition,” people have always had ambivalent feelings about ambition, although it is still recognised as being essential because society does not approve of those who abuse it but conversely does not respect those who lack it. History, according to the authors has confirmed that ambition is more often good than bad because good ambition is the lifeblood of human achievement.

Nechi’s fundamental abilities which has taken him up the arc of ambition by seeing what others do not see; recognising when to seize his moment; and never violating his own values, has led him to creating an organisation which, 15 years down the line, based on the trust he has earned, has grown from an insurance brokerage firm and evolved into a full-fledged wealth management organization of choice.

Today, Optiva Capital Partners prides itself as the largest provider of investments immigration services not only in Nigeria but across Africa, and also the largest employer of labour in the investment immigration subsector with 17 branches distributed across Nigeria and over one thousand full-time employees. In partnership with its reputable international affiliates the company has helped many families with their immigration and global access needs over the years and “has always done this with utmost diligence and professionalism.”

Optiva’s philosophy is encapsulated in the following nuggets which underscore its commitment to its clients: protect wealth –to ensure clients do not lose value for what they already have; grow wealth – in accordance with client’s risk appetite and future aspirations; enhance wealth – exposes clients to the many avenues for wealth amplification; and optimize wealth – to help clients to continuously create the most value by investing in a wide range of financial products that they otherwise would not have easy access to.

Heeled in effective delivery of wealth management offerings, Optiva Capital easily stands out in investment immigration, providing professional immigration services for individuals seeking to obtain alternative citizenship or residency in any of the countries that it serves, which are numerous. In addition, the company provides investment advisory, and wealth management services.

Interestingly, Franklin Nechi, in leading this fast-growing wealth management firm also understands the effectiveness of firm commitment to execution. Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan, in their widely acclaimed book, “Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done,” described execution, amongst others, as a system of getting things done through questioning, analysis, and follow-through. They also emphasised that it is a “discipline for meshing strategy with reality, aligning people with goals, and achieving the results promised.” The leadership of Optiva Capital must have taken this to heart in its demonstrated ability to link the core processes of business – the people, strategy, and operations – together to get things done timeously.

So, according to the Managing Director of Optiva capital Partners, Ms. Jane Kimemia, “through the years, we have grown to a full-fledge work management institution and diversified our offerings to clients and that is where we are today as a holistic wealth management and investment advisory group.”

Narrating Optiva Capital’s edge in investment immigration, she explained that the process is very “detailed and very strict on documentation and full disclosure. One of the things we do very well at Optiva Capital Partners is the ability to handle that process, right from origination. We have fully developed our process, which include a fully dedicated process centre that has access to 50 to 60 people at once. And when it comes to the validation of documents and conveyance, we make it easier, including when it has to do with medical. And sometimes the client’s certifications that are required, we have a team that talks to clients in a very holistic way.”

Ms. Jane Kimemia also expatiates on the company’s ability to link the core processes of operations and its people to serve clients effectively.

The company has seventeen branches across Nigeria and Africa because according to her “these are conscious decisions that we have made to be where our clients are, and to meet our clients at homes and where they do business, and their offices. Wherever you go across key markets, you find Optiva Capital Partners. We have a strong extensive distribution and we have invested in our branches and lounges because we do recognise that our clients are high-networth individuals and we take into consideration how we take care of our clients in all our branches.”

On people, she stated that “we are a lifelong training institution. By default, we attract a lot of women to do front-line roles, in terms of speaking to the clients and the fact that we are a growth institution for when people come in, they know they are going to grow in profile and knowledge, and by understanding, because the space we are in is to talk about high-level clients and we are intentional with the level of training we give our staff, just for them to be able to engage.”

True to its pole position in the area of Citizenship By Investment (CBI), Franklin Nechi’s Optiva Capital Partners has been penning partnership agreements with reputable global affiliates, from Canada, South Africq, to Grenada, to enable them deliver bespoke investment immigration services to its growing Nigerian clientele.

One of them, Stuart Financial Group, Canada is a wealth, Retirement, and Legacy Planning firm, which assists clients to manage their wealth and assets so they can pursue their goals, while Anchor Capital, South Africa, an entrepreneurial wealth and asset management business focused on authentic client relationships and world-class investment process is reputed to be a leading independent Wealth Management company in South Africa. HengSheng Group (HSG) is a multinational integrated company, combining investment, development and commodity businesses. It is the developer and authorized distributor of the Grenada National Resort. With a global vision, an open attitude, and rapid integration into the world top tourism resort market, HSG provides high-quality and diversified one-stop services such as tourism, conferences and exhibitions, investments and citizenship by investment program for global elites. On May 18, 2019, HSG and the Grenadian Government formally signed the cooperation agreement on the Grenada National Resort at the Marina Bay Sands Hotel in Singapore, which marked the official launch of the integrated resort project in the South Caribbean. Grenada National Resort is the largest foreign investment project on the island.

Some of Optiva Capital’s investment immigration opportunities it assists Nigerians to be part of include the USA EB, Residency by Investment, which not only accelerates wealth creation but also open doors to a promising future, offering the opportunity to become a green card holder; citizenship by investment programs for which acquiring a passport from any of the countries on their menu provides visa-free access to more than 143 countries, all without the need to meet any residency criteria before obtaining them. For Greece, for instance, obtaining a luxury apartment, is a gateway to obtaining the Greece golden visa which is not just an investment immigration scheme, it is also a way to diversify wealth. For Canada, a Nigerian can become a global business person by investing in Canada Federal Start-up program, migrate to Canada with a 3-year open work permit, while the person’s permanent residency is prioritized as an investor.

True to his ambition to create a business that delivers value, Franklin Nechi encourages Nigerians to explore the wonders of the world because they reveal new experiences, various cultures, and boundless opportunities. According to him, “stepping outside familiar territories provides insight, global connections, and business opportunities. With Optiva Capital Partners, we facilitate the journey towards making the world a global village, offering citizenship and permanent residency through investment options.”


“True to his ambition to create a business that delivers value, Franklin Nechi encourages Nigerians to explore the wonders of the world because they reveal new experiences, various cultures, and boundless opportunities.”