Reps assure of provision of infrastructure in rural communities


The House of Representatives on Tuesday reiterated its commitment towards improving infrastructure at the rural areas across the country even as ii assured that no single one out of the 360 federal constituencies will be neglected.

Chairman, House Committee on Rural Development, Hon. Marcus Onobun gave the assurance in a remark in Abuja during the Committee’s inaugural meeting.

He said: “I am most honored to be chosen as the Chairman of this committee as we are at a pivotal point in Nigeria where we can’t afford to get it wrong. This is one committee that directly affects the 360 members of the house as we all represent rural communities.

“In fact, it is important to note that it is the constituents of these rural areas that chose us to represent them in order for them to enjoy the dividends of democracy.

“If you look closely at the composition of all the committees, you’ll discover that this Committee is one of the few that has exceeded the membership number of 40 prescribed by the House. This goes to show the importance of the committee.

“In discharging their functions, previous chairmen of this Committee were severely hampered and restricted to certain MDAs but I will be doing things a little differently in order for us to collectively achieve our objectives and also make meaningful impact in the lives of millions of Nigerians who reside in the rural areas.

“Before I| proceed, I’ll like us to familiarize ourselves with the scope of this committee and areas of its oversight functions by looking at the standing orders of the House of Representatives Order 20 95(d) which clearly defines our scope and purview thus setting the tone for defining our aims and objectives.

I am willing to draw from your wealth of legislative, business and individual expertise in discharging my duties so we can collectively deliver on the arduous task that has been laid on our shoulders.

“I am open to opinions and also novel ideas on how to navigate the diverse landscape of our different communities, peculiar developmental demands of our constituents, resistant nature of the civil service, opportunity cost of resource allocation and ensuring effective legislative oversight that bothers on transparency and accountability towards the Nigerian people who are the main beneficiaries of everything we’ll be doing in this committee.

While expressing the Committee’s readiness to interface with relevant Ministries and Agencies, Hon. Onobun expressed his resolve to synergize with other Standing Committees where there are overlapping functions.

“For me success is the word and we must do everything to make this committee proud.

“For me I want to achieve success and for us to achieve that we have to work together.”

On his part, Deputy Chairman of the Committee, Hon. Mohamud Audu solicited for cooperation of all stakeholders in the bid to ensure accelerated development for the rural areas across the country.

He also harped on the need to replicate development at the urban areas to the rural areas

All the Members of the committee who spoke during the inaugural meeting, pledged solidarity to the leadership of the Standing Committee.

The lawmakers also assured Nigerians of their collective resolve to improve on rural infrastructure including electrification, engineering, among others.

The Committee tasked the Clerk of the Committee to adopt proactive measures to engage various government agencies.