Why Pope Francis Invited Comedians to the Vatican


Why Pope Francis Invited Comedians to the Vatican


As world leaders gather in Italy for a summit addressing entrenched global crises, Pope Francis hosted an international gathering of a different sort yesterday, to broadcast his own message – of the importance of humor.

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Over 200 people were in the audience at the Apostolic Palace, with more than 100 comedians from 15 countries. Goldberg and Louis-Dreyfus were visible in the front row.

According to the CNN, before proceedings got under way Fallon was seen larking around at the front of the audience hall, before quickly being told to get to his seat as the pope was about to walk through the door.

“In the midst of so much gloomy news, immersed as we are in many social and even personal emergencies, you have the power to spread peace and smiles,” the pontiff told the gathering.

“You unite people, because laughter is contagious,” he said, adding that he has prayed for 40 years for a good sense of humor, adding his own joke and the end, where he asked the audience to “I ask you to please pray for me: for, with a smile, not against!” – and was obliged with laughter from the crowd.

“You manage to make people smile even while dealing with problems and events, large and small. You denounce abuses of power; you give voice to forgotten situations; you highlight abuses; you point out inappropriate behavior,” Pope Francis added.

The 87-year-old pontiff said humor could overcome “social barriers” and help create “connections among people.”