Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship mourns Elder Sam Mbata


 Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship mourns Elder Sam Mbata

Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International-Nigeria, FGBMFI-Nigeria has joined the entire Mbata family, the FGBMFI worldwide and the entire Christian community to mourn the death of Elder Sam Mbata , the erstwhile National President and  Chairman Board of Trustees of FGBMFI-NIGERIA.

In a statement by the National President of FGBMFI-Nigeria Arc. Ifeanyi Odedo, he described Elder Sam Mbata as an icon and a trailblazer who lived such an impactful life leaving so many legacies for posterity.

According to Odedo ‘’We celebrate his glorious footprints, his undaunted faith, visionary leadership and true Christian virtues he commanded in his lifetime. May the  good Lord  grant the family and the Fellowship the fortitude to stand strong in this time of mixed feelings. “For if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s

Also, the  National President of FGBMFI Togo, Dr Sheppy KOUNETSRON commiserate with the National President and Members of the Full Gospel Family of Nigeria on the  great loss.

KOUNETSRON noted  it is with great dismay that I have learned of the call to God of  our Elder and beloved brother Sam MBATA. His consistency has inspired generations of leaders and inspires us too. We give thanks to the Almighty and pray to Him to grant our big brother the wages of his commitment to the work of the Lord. On behalf of all the elders and on behalf of the whole Fellowship in Togo I say Condolences to the whole Full Gospel family of Nigeria.

For Gary Maxey Samuel Mbata made a huge and unforgettable impression on our entire family upon our arrival in Nigeria as American missionaries in early 1982. His warm heart, compassionate spirit and fervency for God were amazing. After moving to his compound in mid-1982 we spent our following seven years in constant contact.

We can never forget the incredible surprise he gave us in late 1983 when he took it upon himself to send me, my wife and our four children for a month of rest at Miango in Plateau State, after finding ourselves totally exhausted from our work and in dire need of renewed strength. It was a gift that proved life-saving, and unforgettable.

Over the years we have deeply admired Samuel Mbata’s commitment to God and especially his strong contributions to the Full Gospel Businessmens’ Fellowship International. He is an unforgettable hero! Our hearts are very sad with his passing, but heaven is a better place as a result of his passing.

The family and FGBMFI-Nigeria is yet to announce the burial date