Gambia To Explore Tourism, Economic Opportunities With Nigeria


Gambia To Explore Tourism, Economic Opportunities With Nigeria


A high-powered delega­tion from The Gambia, led by Mrs Isatou Dram­meh, Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, recently visited Badagry, Lagos State, to explore potential partnership op­portunities in tourism, trade, and economic de­velopment.

The delegation met with authorities in Badagry to discuss part­nerships in tourism devel­opment, cultural exchang­es, hospitality investment, and trade.

The high-powered team from The Gambia acknowledged the simi­larities between the two countries in the areas of rich cultural heritage, his­torical sites, and beautiful coastlines.

After the meeting and a tour of the ancient city, the facilitator, Hon. Apata Sam­son Nunayon, Chairman, Association of Tourism Practitioners of Nigeria, (ATPN) Lagos Chapter and CEO of Eko Destination Ltd, briefed the delegation on the upcoming Destina­tion Lagos Awards.

The delegation that showed enthusiasm about the upcoming event en­dorsed it and pledged full participation.

The Destination Lagos Awards scheduled to hold later in the year aims to celebrate excellence in tourism, hospitality, and entertainment.

It would also showcase Lagos State’s best offer­ings and create a strate­gic platform for regional tourism promotion and networking.

The Gambia’s en­dorsement will, howev­er, strengthen the bond between the two nations and foster cooperation in tourism development and economic growth.

“We are thrilled to support the Destination Lagos Awards and look forward to a fruitful part­nership with Eko Destina­tion Ltd,” said Mrs. Isatou Drammeh.

According to the orga­nizers, the partnership signals a new era of co­operation and collabora­tion between The Gambia and Lagos State, driving growth and prosperity in both regions.