Jos faith-based hospital makes history, becomes 1st to earn laboratory accreditation in Nigeria



Our Lady of Apostles (OLA) Hospital, Jos Plateau state has become the first faith-based organization to earn global laboratory accreditation in Nigeria, classified by five stars.

OLA Hospital Jos has been the brainchild of the Catholic Archdiocese of Jos said to be the third hospital on the Plateau to receive global laboratory certification.
It was learned that the hospital which commenced activities in 1943, access its formal presentation of International Standard Organization, ISO,  15189 (2012), through the South African National Accreditation System (SANAS), held Thursday at the school of midwifery hall,OLA Hospital, Jos.

His grace, Most Rev.Matthew Audu, Catholic Archbishop of Jos said the hospital has a long-standing history of collaboration with organizations both within and outside Nigeria which enhanced actualization of laboratory certification.
The Bishop, represented by Rev. Father Daniel Gyang believed the test result from OLA hospital would now enjoy international acceptance.
He stated that it is a landmark achievement in the annals of Catholic Archdiocese of Jos.
Rev. Sister Jovita Egwu OLA hospital administrator, acknowledged that the hands of God had been evident in the hospital since its inception through challenges and successes till date.
“As we all know, the role of laboratory service delivery and laboratory accreditation towards patients care is one of paramount importance. Crucial to effective health services are laboratory results that are accurate, reliable and timely.
“OLA hospital laboratory is one of the laboratories that implement quality management system (QMS) and this has been with the support of APIN public health initiative through mentorship, training and funding among others.We are now the only Faith-based accredited laboratory in Nigeria and one of the accredited laboratories in the world”, she stated.

Eke Ofuche who represented APIN revealed that the hospital has gone through comprehensive processes that informed the decision of the status of accreditation.

“It is not an achievement to attend accreditation but the ability to sustain it is what matters,” he stated.

Laboratory director of OLA hospital, Dr.Elujoba Michael, who shed more light on the rationale behind laboratory certification said, “investigation in the body will be carried out using blood, urine, stool and other body tissue to detect problem in the body.So, the certificate is very important because it is international standard organization (ISO). What it means is that laboratory has now been accredited internationally.
“Therefore, it has assessed and seen that the quality of processes and procedures been carried out at Our Lady of Apostles hospital Jos is comparable to the best any where in the world.
“That is to say that, if you get a result from OLA laboratory hospital Jos is comparable or equivalent to what you would obtained if this similar test is conducted in any hospital be it Africa, Europe or any part of the world.
There were goodwill messages from the Jos University Teaching Hospital, JUTH, Plateau state, ministry of health, Association of Medical Laboratory of Nigeria, University of Jos as well as other dignitaries.