South East Youths Mobilize to reject food supply from the North


From Victor  Duruamaku Owerri

Some concerned youths of the South East geo- political zone have now mobilized to stop any form of food,  animal  and vegetable supplies  from the northern part of the country to the south east zone

According to the youths, they took the resolution to stop these supplies from the north to prove to the northern youths and those  behind the decision to stop any supply from the north to the south east that the south east zone can sustain it’s self

They said ” we do not need any thing from the north to survive, we produce more food than the north “

According to them ” the south east and the south south zones produce the oil that has sustained the country so far”

Speaking on behalf of the concerned youths master George Akunmadu Eziokwu said further that they will take  any action they may deem fit to resist any attempt by the northern youths and any other group trying to undermine the existence of the people of zone

They recalled all the atrocities and havoc committed by the Fulani herdsmen in the zone pointing out that the herders apart from raping  peoples wives in their farms also killed and kidnapped innocent farmers
” those people in the  north who are fomenting trouble should know that they do not have monopoly of violence ” the youths said

They further reminded them   that they  too can block the oil pipe line that supplies oil to the north and warned them to be mindful of their actions and comments
” we are watching and ready” they added