Africa Economic Summit holds March 30, 2022


The Africa Economic Summit, a high level assemblage of thought leaders in Africa will be gatjering in Lagos on March 30 ,2022 to discuss issues and frame solutions to the economic problems affecting the continent. .

According to the organizers ,Africa is better off united than otherwise. We have never before needed one another than we do today. No nation can alone effectively fight the unfair treatment of African nations, misrepresentation of Africa in the international press, defeat terrorism, empower productivity or arrest youth unemployment. Our best chance of success is working together.

They affirmed that  the event will have an array of programmes ,through keynotes, round table discussions and theme-focused strategic sessions with distinguished thought leaders and subject matter experts .

Also stakeholder will discuss critical issues to help business and political leaders gain clarity on issues of prime importance and harvest the finest of thoughts by Africans and the friends of Africa in addressing the economic issues in Africa from an African perspective.

The Africa Economic Summit also offers participants the chance to forge a path forward to

necessary solutions on issues affecting the world with ambitious African leadership.

The summit closes with a release of a white paper on coordinated actions that governments and

institutions should commit to and implement for the improvement of the economy of Africa,

strengthening the competitiveness of African companies, addressing security challenges among



According to them ,History shows that value shifts are always triggered by a new story. The current state of the world has given a rare chance to Africa to rewrite the story of Africa. But to do that, governments of African nations need the boldness to review and challenge the current models which drive government and private sector actions in Africa.


Through the Africa Economic Summit we hope to facilitate new investments, encourage

business development, share best practices, guarantee peer-to-peer networking, offer new

industry insight, showcase excellence and promote thought leadership.


As our world passes through an extraordinary time of difficulties, our ability to stand up to the

challenges and deliver a safe and prosperous Africa to the next generation will largely depend

on the ability of all of us to keep our eyes on the same goal, on our willingness to lead in truth

holding forth the values tested and proven through history that can keep our society safe and

our people free to become all they can be.


| The Objectives of the summit include o be the first annual summit to establish Africa as the frontier of global thinking on major economic, cultural and social issues affecting the world .

To showcase Africa; highlight its infrastructure, business environment and diverse human capital to drive Foreign Direct Investment, To convene thought-leaders from across Africa, in order to establish concrete pathways to addressing compelling issues.

The Summit will be focused around one central idea: Rebooting Africa’s Competitiveness.

Under this headline premise there will be four distinct tracks for delegates to participate in, each

of which addresses a major area of challenge and opportunity:

  • Redefining Global Partnerships with Africa
  • Innovation
  • The Fourth Industrial Revolution
  • Energy Transition

| Itinerary Topics

  • Africa’s unique advantages in terms of natural and human capital
  • Climate Change
  • Solving the housing problem in Africa.
  • Sustainability
  • The future of government
  • Rules and regulations and their impact on Africa’s competitiveness
  • Wealth Inequality
  • The new wealth of nations
  • Is Africa ready for the future of media
  • The threat corruption to Africa’s competitiveness
  • Is the future of Africa secured?
  • The Digital Revolution
  • The role of technology in economics, business and politics
  • How Africa can thrive in a post-Covid world
  • The future of Private Equity.

The Africa Economic Summit will be held in Lagos Nigeria.

The core summit agenda itself will be held the 30th March 2022, at Southern Sun Hotel Ikoyi

Lagos. The summit will be multi-tracked, delving into each of the strands of the Summit DNA.

The evening will feature a unique social programme at the Hotel giving delegates the

opportunity to experience the rich culture, heritage and hospitality that Lagos Nigeria is famous

for. It also offers a unique opportunity for speakers, guests and delegates from across the

business and political worlds to come together in an informal manner and continue the

conversations of the day in a more social and relaxed setting.